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AS Standard Stop Motion Magnetic Tie-Down System

AS Standard Stop Motion Magnetic Tie-Down System

Regular price $12.99 USD
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The Standard Stop Motion Magnetic tie-down system includes two N38 Nickel plated magnets with a diameter of 7/8 and 1/2 inch thick. Perfect for Stop Motion Animation!

Although less powerful than the Professional system, our Standard magnetic tie-down system is still capable of holding 22 pounds of steel! This is more than enough for most applications. They are N38 Nickel Plated and measure 7/8 x 1/2 inch in diameter. The system is compatible with all of our AS branded Armatures as well as our AS rigging system.

Using a magnetic tie-down also means that you don't need to worry about inserting threaded tie-downs through your set floor. This means that you can have more elaborate and detailed surfaces to your set. In addition, threaded tie-down can often be fiddly and time consuming. Using magnets is usually a much quicker way of working. Leading studios like Aardman often use magnets to tie-down their characters.

It is important that you use a magnetic metal set floor (sold here if you don't have one) for the magnetic tie-downs to work. Although the Professional magnets are extremely powerful, they will not hold your puppet properly if you use a wooden based floor. We recommend perforated steel for best results and we offer both a complete animation stage as well as sheets of galvanized perforated steel which are perfect for this.

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